Well done WCCS Teams!

On Tuesday 14th and Thursday 16th May, four teams of our Years 5-8 students participated in the State da Vinci Decathlon at Knox Grammar. With over 70 teams competing in each year group, it was a day of tough competition and extraordinary academic challenges.

Our teams had prepared very diligently for this event, and we are so proud of them all! The detailed results have recently been published and we are delighted to announce that competing against 72 top schools, our Year 5 team came an incredible 4th in Science and 15th in English (equal with PLC Sydney). Competing against 74 schools, our Year 7 team came in a brilliant 8th place in Ideation (equal with Knox Grammar School), where they had to think critically and creatively to solve a real-world problem.

Well done to our very clever, hard-working students – we are so proud of your fantastic achievements!